I wish I could go back to high school. I would do it all so different than I did it the first time. Back then I was way too much of a gentleman. One night I had a chance to pull a train on a bitch with two other guys, but I balked. Now that bitch is so fucking hot and I can’t say that I fucked her slutty ass with two other guys filling her other holes. I am such a douche.
To get over my shortcomings I use FyreTV’s streaming porn service. With it I can access the entire Pink Visual library of porn for just $8.00 a month. That is an unheard of price for this kind of access. Their own Pink Visual website doesn’t even offer this low of a price. Not to mention it also won’t stream porn to my TV like FyreTV does.
You don’t need any funky gadgets you don’t already have to use the service. A Boxee, Apple TV, Roku or any other brand of set top box will do. If it can work with Netflix the chances are it can work with this service too.
Right now I am about to stream Young And Cravin’ Cum 7 to my HDTV in the bedroom. It works on my living room TV as well. If you don’t have a set top box yet you can use their Fyre BoXXX to use the service.
Anyhow, take a look at see what you’ve been missing. Peace out!