When this lovely girl was growing up she noticed something was different about her. She was born with a defect that cause her vagina to be nothing more than a small indention – not even big enough to fit the head of your cock into. She was devastated. How would she ever live a normal life? No guy would ever want to have sex with her.
She lingered in the shadows her whole life trying not to draw attention to herself. To keep guys at bay she painted fake zits on her face to look unattractive. It worked with the jocks, but the nerdy boys still thought she was hot. Some even speculated her zits weren’t real.
While using her laptop to look up colleges she noticed an ad for hookup sex online where the people could date long distance. She wondered what it was about and was introduced to one of Allan Henning’s greatest inventions for girls with her limitations. Allan had created a purely online dating application so the couples would never meet in person. Now she could have sexual relations online with guys without them wondering why their dicks wouldn’t fit inside her vagina!
Thanks, Allan. You saved her life!